How to use this template:
- Estimated set up time: 20-30 minutes
- Change the ‘Class #’ below to the courses you’re taking and create a goal for each of your classes for study motivation
- To change the image for each class goal, hover on the image, click the three dots, then click Replace
- ✏️To-Do List and Deadlines: Use the calendar to manage your academic and personal work with the provided templates
- Change the ‘Class #’ tags to the courses you’re taking to clearly organize your tasks on the calendar
- 🖊️Reflecting: Whenever you feel the need to reflect on whatever you’re currently doing, use the prompts listed
To-Do List and Deadlines
The only way to do great work is to love what you study.

Class #1 Goal

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- Why? Identify at least one value to come back to for motivation.
- How will I accomplish this? Identify at least 3 habits or actionable steps
Class #2 Goal

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- Why? Identify at least one value to come back to for motivation.
- How will I accomplish this? Identify at least 3 habits or actionable steps
Class #3 Goal

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- Why? Identify at least one value to come back to for motivation.
- How will I accomplish this? Identify at least 3 habits or actionable steps
Class #4 Goal

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- Why? Identify at least one value to come back to for motivation.
- How will I accomplish this? Identify at least 3 habits or actionable steps
Class #5 Goal

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- Why? Identify at least one value to come back to for motivation.
- How will I accomplish this? Identify at least 3 habits or actionable steps
Class #6 Goal

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- Why? Identify at least one value to come back to for motivation.
- How will I accomplish this? Identify at least 3 habits or actionable steps
Class #7 Goal

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- Why? Identify at least one value to come back to for motivation.
- How will I accomplish this? Identify at least 3 habits or actionable steps